Problem time spent

Problem time spent

       prob.TITLE "Title",
       catadef.CATEGORYNAME "Category",
       LONGTODATE(prob.REPORTEDTIME) "Reported Date",
       ownaaa.FIRST_NAME "Technician",
       priodef.PRIORITYNAME "Priority",
       statdef.STATUSNAME "Status",
       (chargestable.TimeSpent/1000/3600) "Time Spent",
       chargestable.Description "WorkLog description",
       pct.FIRST_NAME "WorkLog tech" FROM Problem prob
LEFT JOIN AaaUser ownaaa ON ownsd.USERID=ownaaa.USER_ID
LEFT JOIN StatusDefinition statdef ON prob.STATUSID=statdef.STATUSID
LEFT JOIN PriorityDefinition priodef ON prob.PRIORITYID=priodef.PRIORITYID
LEFT JOIN CategoryDefinition catadef ON prob.CATEGORYID=catadef.CATEGORYID
LEFT JOIN problemtocharge ON prob.PROBLEMID=problemtocharge.PROBLEMID
LEFT JOIN ChargesTable ON problemtocharge.CHARGEID=chargestable.CHARGEID
LEFT JOIN AaaUser pct ON chargestable.TechnicianID=pct.USER_ID

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