Issue : If the OpManager Service runs on a service account (This Account). It will NOT allow you to keep the Wrapper running after the user mentioned (This Account) logs off. It happens only in Windows 2003 R2. Solution : Change the Service ...
Question: Where can I find my OpManager database information? Solution: OpManager database information is stored in the file "database_params.conf" under OpManager/conf folder. The database server name/IP , database name, database type and user ...
OpManager's iPhone app allows you to monitor the performance of your IT on the move. Basically this Iphone app needs connectivity to the network where OpManager server is installed. If the User is within the same network, There will be no issues in ...
VULNERABILITY DETAILS(found in build 12000) Vulnerability 1: Unrestricted File Upload: OpManager fails to validate or improperly validates files before uploading to the system. As a result an attacker might be able to upload arbitrary JSP file and ...