Postgres database corruption

Postgres database corruption

Please follow the steps, the there is database corruption with the below error message due to low disk space in the drive:

org.postgresql.util.PSQLException: ERROR: could not read block 0 in file "base/16384/116045":
org.postgresql.util.PSQLException: ERROR: invalid page header in block 2938 of relation base/16384/115816


1) Stop the NetFlow Analyzer service.

2) Open command prompt as Administrator and navigate to NetFlow_Home/bin and execute startDB.bat/.sh (Till Build 11001) or startPgsql.bat/.sh ( From Build 12000 and above )

3) The navigate to
NetFlow_Home/pgsql/bin and Connect to the database with the below command:

psql -U postgres -p 13310 -h -d netflow     ( Till version 11001 and upgraded)

psql -U postgres -p 13306 -h -d OpManagerDB    (From 12000 and above )

Once connected execute the below commands:

SET zero_damaged_pages = on;

If only particular table is corrupted follow the below steps:

For each Table follow the below steps
1) VACUUM FULL $damaged_table  
2) REINDEX TABLE $damaged_table
$damaged_table == Name of the Table that has indexing problem

1) psql -U postgres -p 13310 -h -d netflow
2) SET zero_damaged_pages = on; 
3) VACUUM FULL applicationout10min_nfa1
4) REINDEX TABLE applicationout10min_nfa1
To Reindex the entire database :

1) Connect to the database in client and then follow steps 2 to 4
2) SET zero_damaged_pages = on; 
4) REINDEX database $database_Name;

e.g : For entire database
1) psql -U postgres -p 13310 -h -d netflow
2) SET zero_damaged_pages = on;
4) REINDEX database netflow;

Once done, Start the NetFlow Analyzer service and check on the issue.

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