Port Occupied / Application Layer Starting
If the port is already occupied (as in the screenshot), prompt as in below screenshot will appear.
Find application that uses the port by following the steps below,
Execute, netstat -oan (This command will display list of processes and the ports used by them)
Find the Process ID from either Task Manager / using the command TASKSLIST
Stop the other application / set ServiceDesk Plus to use another port using the ChangeWebServerport.bat
If the application is running on HTTPs, backup server.xml
found under C:\Manageengine\ServiceDesk\server\default\deploy\jbossweb-tomcat70.sar\server.xml
The Keystore name and password for the keystore will be on the server.xml. It is required to re-update when the settings are reset upon executing ChangeWebServerPort.bat.
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