Populate field values in an editable table and copy it to the request description.

Populate field values in an editable table and copy it to the request description.

This post describes the use of a Field and for rule script to populate the value of the given fields in the editable table and same table data will be copied in the description.

Let us consider a scenario where travel request form is created. User need to select hotels for a tour, as there might be more than one hotel stays in a single tour. For this business requirement, we can populate the value of the given fields in the editable table and same table data will be copied in the description.

For Builds after 11200:
Execution steps:
1. Create the additional fields in the section of a template.
2. In FAFR, on form load add the attached script addResource.txt. Modify the display_name and fafrKey in the script.

For Builds before 11200:
Execution steps:
1. Create the additional fields in the section of a template.
2. In FAFR, on form load add the attached script EditableTableForFieldValues.js. Modify the field_headers and field_array variable in the script.
Give the field names in the 'field_headers' variable and give the FAFR field ids in the 'field_array' variable.
3. In FAFR, on form submit add the attached script EditableTableOnSubmit.js.

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