Query Executor Tool for PostGres

Query Executor Tool for PostGres

                  This tool is designed to execute queries in the customer environment by connecting the database by reading the database configuration file.  We need to enter the query that we require to execute in queryToExecute.txt file. We can enter multiple queries separated by a new line.

Note : 
  1. This tool is only tested in the Postgres environment.
  2. This tool is not designed for executing sensitive queries in cx environment.
  3.  Please take a backup of the database before running this tool. 

How to use the Tool?
  1. Download the attached QueryExecutor.zip and extract it on the <servicedeskplus_home> directory. A folder will be created at <servicedeskplus_home>\QueryExecutor.
  2. Start the ServiceDeskPlus Application service / Database Server.
  3. Navigate into <servicedeskplus_home>\QueryExecutor folder
  4. Replace the queryToExecute.txt with the input file that you have provided.
  5. Execute run.bat or .sh in the same folder, after these steps.
  6. Stop the application server / Database Server.
Share the queryExecutor.log file generated in the <servicedeskplus_home>\QueryExecutor folder to analyse further.

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