Permissions required for Non-Admin user to monitor Microsoft Monitors

Permissions required for Non-Admin user to monitor Microsoft Monitors

As an alternative to Steps 1-6 in the above link, we can perform it from the Active Directory Users and Computers.
  1. Open Server Manager in the remote server. Go to Tools -> Active Directory Users and Computers.
  2. In the opened window go to the Users folder and right click -> Properties of the newly created user.
  3. In the Member Of tab, add the groups give below.
    1. Distributed COM Users
    2. Performance Monitor Users
  4. Apply the settings.

Supported Monitors and WMI namespace used:

Monitor types
Active Directory
root\cimv2, root\MicrosoftActiveDirectory
Biztalk Server
root\cimv2, root\microsoftbiztalkserver
Dynamics AX
Dynamics CRM
Exchange Server
IIS Server
root\cimv2, root\WebAdministration
SharePoint Server
Skype for Business Server
Network Policy Server

2) To enable powershell remoting for the non admin user follow the steps given below:

  1. Open Powershell as administrator in the remote server and run the below command:
    Set-PSSessionConfiguration -Name Microsoft.PowerShell -ShowSecurityDescriptorUI -Force
  2. Click Add and select the new user to the list in the opened window.
  3. Select the required user and enable the Read and Execute permissions.
  4. Click OK to apply the change.
  5. Now follow the prerequisites mentioned in the link below:
  6. Verify by creating a remote session using the steps mentioned in the last section of above link.
Supported Monitors for Powershell mode:

Monitor types
Active Directory
Biztalk Server
Exchange Server
SharePoint Server

Note: When a non-admin user is used in Powershell, there is a possibility that some of the data may not be available in the respective monitors.

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