Steps for Performance Tuning

Steps for Performance Tuning

Supportcenter Plus performance can be improved by tuning the JAVA performance as said below :
For version 8: 
1. Shut down the application.
2. Navigate into \SupportCenter\server\default\conf 
3. Edit the file -> wrapper.conf with administrator privilege 
For 64 bit OS (machine), we can configure maximum memory depends on your RAM size, For 16 GB RAM you can give 5024m as maximum memory.
but if it is 32 bit OS (machine)we can only set a maximum memory of 1024.
 Now search for the below line in the wrapper.conf file
 and set the value as per your RAM size.
So for example : 64 bit machine with 16GB RAM as follows :
4. Save the file and close.
5. Start the application

For version 11 and above: 

1. Shut down the application.
2. Navigate into \SupportCenter\conf 
3. Edit the file -> wrapper. Conf with administrator privilege 
For 64 bit OS (machine), we can configure maximum memory depends on your RAM size, For 16 GB RAM you can give 5024m as maximum memory.
Now search for the below line in the wrapper.conf file
 and set the value as per your RAM size.
So for example : 64 bit machine with 16GB RAM as follows :
4. Save the file and close.
5. Start the application

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