Oracle Server is running but when I try to add through Applications Manager it is saying "Service is not running".

Oracle Server is running but when I try to add through Applications Manager it is saying "Service is not running".

Solution: Kindly do the following checks:

1) The "Connect String" given when you are connecting through the SQLPlus should be given as Database Name in Applications Manager.

2) Kindly check whether the "Database Name" that you have given is properly configured in following files in Oracle Installation.

Go to the following directory in Oracle Installation:


a) In <listener.ora> file, check whether the HOST and ORACLE_HOME is configured properly.
b) In <tnsnames.ora> file, check whether the HOST and SERVICE_NAME is configured properly.

HOST - The machine name in which Oracle Server is running.
ORACLE_HOME - <Oracle_Installed_Dir>/products/10.1.0/<DBName>/
SERVICE_NAME - It is the DatabaseName you have given in Applications Manager.

Go to the following directory in Oracle Installation:


In the <init.ora> file, check whether the db_name is configured correctly, where db_name is the Database Name. Also let us know what is the value of "db_domain".

If possible, restart the Oracle Server TNS Listener and Database. Then try adding the Oracle Server in Applications Manager.

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