The Oracle Database Links are being reported as down even when no longer available. Why?
For Oracle Database Links, if data is not available for the current poll, this is the behavior exhibited by default:
- Data (including threshold) is retained
- Health is reported as down
To override this behavior, follow these steps:
Open AppManager_Home/working/conf/CustomMonitors/OracleDBServer.xml.
Search for RetainRowsOnDelete="YES" under OracleDBLinks section. Configure RetainRowsOnDelete="NO".
Decrement the version number found on top of XML file. For Example,
Category="DBS" ShortName="Oracle" DisplayName="Oracle" Version="18"
Category="DBS" ShortName="Oracle" DisplayName="Oracle" Version="17"
- Save the file and restart Applications Manager.
You need to replace AppManager_Home with actual directory path where AppManager is installed.
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