OpUtils Plugin Not works after revert 12200 PPM

OpUtils Plugin Not works after revert 12200 PPM



  1.  Go to OpUtils-IPAM Plugin installation folder or <OpManager_Home>/OpUtils using command prompt(Run as Administrator)
  2.  Execute DisableStandaloneMode.bat
  3.  Go to <OpUtils-IPAM Plugin_Home>/bin or <OpManager_Home>/OpUtils/bin using command prompt(Run as Administrator)
  4.  Execute AddService.bat
  5.  Go to <OpManager_Home>/OpUtils/Conf directory and check whether Plugin.properties file is found or not. If not found download the attached
    Plugin.properties file and save it under <OpManager_Home>/OpUtils/Conf directory
  6. Shutdown OpManager
  7.  Start OpManager and check the reported issue


  1. Go to OpUtils-IPAM Plugin installation folder or <OpManager_Home>/OpUtil
  2. Download the attached Plugin.properties file and save it under <OpManager_Home>/OpUtils/Conf directory
  3. Go to bin... Execute sh startOpUtils.sh and check the reported issue

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