OpManager integration with SDP using .pfx certificate.

OpManager integration with SDP using .pfx certificate.

Applying .pfx certificate in SDP does not involve creating keystore file which is required for integration. Please follow the below steps to create a Keystore file.

Place the file OpManager.TrustStore and SDP PFX file under the OpManager JRE\bin installation.

1. Run the below command to convert pfx certificate to JKS format from OpManager\Jre\bin directory.

>keytool -importkeystore -srckeystore sdp_pfx_cert.p12 -destkeystore OpManager.truststore -srcstoretype pkcs12 -deststoretype JKS

Replace sdp_pfx_cert.p12 as the actual SDP.pfx file name. 

It requires Destination password, give it as opmanager

Source password which is the pfx certificate password.

2. Once when the conversion has been done from Step 1, replace the file "OpManager.TrustStore" from OPM\Jre\Bin directory to OpManager_Home\conf folder. Also have a copy of this file named as sdp.keystore and place it in OpManager home directory.

3. Try configuring SDP integration from OpManager UI with sdp.keystore. No need to wait for the connection success message.

4. Try configuring Log a Ticket notification.

 If it fails, restart OpManager service and try once again.

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