OpManager crashed/shut down while silently installing Applications Manager Plugin

OpManager crashed/shut down while silently installing Applications Manager Plugin

If OpManager installed in Windows machine
  1. Stop OpManager service and it's related processes
  2. Open Resource Monitor in the OpManager installed machine
  3. Click on the CPU tab

  4. In the Search Handles bar which can be found in the Associated Handles row, type the below text and hit enter
  5. List of processes that are using the AppManager directory will be listed, now wait for the processes to release the AppManager folder (which is located under the OpManager in which APM Plugin installation is initiated)  

    Note: Click on the Refresh icon provided in the Search box of the Associated Handles row frequently to know the updated folder access status
  6. Once the AppManager folder under the OpManager directory (which triggered APM Plugin installation) is released i.e. Search Handles results should not have any process using this directory.
  7. Now, open the control panel and navigate to Uninstall or change a program section
  8. Check for ManageEngine Applications Manager Plugin with the current date
  9. Uninstall by clicking on the program name
  10. If you couldn't find the program with the name ManageEngine Applications Manager Plugin,  please delete the AppManager folder (which is located under the OpManager in which APM Plugin installation is initiated) completely using File Explorer 
  11. Now, please check the APMPlugin folder located under the OpManager directory i.e. C:\Program Files\ManageEngine\OpManager\APMPlugin
  12. Applications Manager Plugin installer (Exe file) can be found, execute the same with Administrator privilege to proceed manually installing Applications Manager Plugin
If OpManager installed in a Linux machine
  1. Stop OpManager
  2. Go to OpManager installed location and navigate to the below directory
    /OpManager/AppManager/_ManageEngine ApmPlugin_installation/Logs i.e. /opt/ManageEngine/OpManager/AppManager/_ManageEngine ApmPlugin_installation/Logs
  3. A file with a name in the below format will be created, if the file is not created, please wait for few minutes and check again.
    ManageEngine_ApmPlugin_Install_<DATE>.log i.e. ManageEngine_ApmPlugin_Install_11_08_2021_16_48_44.log
  4. Open terminal from the same location and execute the below command
    tail -f logFileName
    i.e. tail -f ManageEngine_ApmPlugin_Install_11_08_2021_16_48_44.log
  5. The file will be updated with the below values at the end if installation is completed, please wait if the file is being updated
    Execute Script/Batch file:   <Comment>
                                                 Status: SUCCESSFUL
    Execute Command:          rm -rf  /opt/ManageEngine/OpManager/AppManager/jre 
                                               Status: SUCCESSFUL
  6. Once the file is updated, please remove the AppManager folder completely 
  7. If you observe that the file is not being updated and the file has any error messages like below

  8. You can go ahead and remove the AppManager folder completely 
  9. Now please go to the APMPlugin folder under the OpManager folder i.e. /opt/ManageEngine/OpManager/APMPlugin
  10. Applications Manager Plugin installer (bin file) can be found, execute the same with root privilege to proceed manually installing Applications Manager Plugin

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