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SCP 11.0 and above API documentation
SCP has a variety of APIs using which you can integrate 3rd party tools with our application. We have inbuilt API documentation. Please login to the application as administrator -> go to Admin -> General -> API -> Documentation to refer to the same. ...
Reply a request through v3 API (Postman)
The API documentation for replying a request is under Admin > API Documentation > Request > Add notification Syntax of the URL: http(or https)://<servername>:<portnumber>/api/v3/requests/<Request ID>/notifications?TECHNICIAN_KEY=<API Key> Call: Post ...
Request Merge API using Postman.
Currently, the Merge API is not included in our documentation. However, I have tested the following API in Postman, and it is working fine on our end. API used: /api/v3/requests/<request_id>/merge_requests {"merge_requests":[{"id":"1"},{"id":"2"}]} ...
10.5 API - How APIs can be used in the version 10.5 and above ?
Introduction: REST API acts as a bridge between ServiceDesk Plus MSP and other applications. The communication of information happens via HTTP Request. The REST API authenticates users using Technician Key, thus eliminating the need for the users to ...
Add request API Using Postman
You need to send the TECHNICIAN_KEY and format in Params and the data in Body. Also, you have to encode the body and send it. Please refer to the below for your reference which is sent using postman. Attached is the SAMPLE JSON file Example : ...