Install Applications Manager on Red Hat Enterprise Linux (RHEL)

Install Applications Manager on Red Hat Enterprise Linux (RHEL)

OS Type: RHEL 7.8 / Centos 7.8
DB Server: PgSQL

To install a Managed Server

  1. Download and Install the Applications Manager Managed Server instance as a root user with default Web server SSL port (i.e. 8443).
  2. Re-configure the default Admin password as mentioned below, as the Admin Server doesn’t accept the default admin/admin credentials.
    1. This must be performed from the Admin Server web access as well.
  3. Start Applications Manger using as root user.
  4. Admin password reset steps. Execute the following commands from the installed server:
    1. export PGPASSWORD=appmanager
    2. cd {installation_dir}/AppManager15/working/pgsql/bin
    3. ./psql -p 15432 -U postgres -h localhost -d amdb -c "UPDATE AM_UserPasswordTable SET PASSWORD='74c683a809e018140ff6d60b85f83227' WHERE USERNAME='admin'"
  5. [If required] Set both SSL ports of Admin & Managed Servers to 443.
  6. [If required] Add SSO related configurations in {installation_dir}/AppManager15/conf/ & then restart the application - as root user.

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