Notification script using Custom function in custom trigger

Notification script using Custom function in custom trigger

This is applicable from 10600 builds. From 10600 , Business rules dont have Email notification feature. The same use case be achieved through Custom triggers feature as mentioned below.

Script to enable notification of request creation using custom function in custom trigger:

please follow the below given steps:

1.Goto Admin > Request Custom Functions > Global function > New > Paste the content from the attachment   (1.global_function_11_findAllDynamicKeysMultiLevel.txt) and save it with a name.

2. Modify the return type, and parameters. Note the global function count. Refer to the attached screenshot.

3.  Goto Admin > Request Custom Functions > Global function > New > Paste the content from the attachment   (3. global_function_12_getDynamicFieldValue) and save it with a name.

4. Modify the global function name,return type, and parameters.  Note the global function count. Refer to the attached screenshot.

5.Go to Admin --> Request Custom Functions --> Custom Actions --> Paste the content from the attachment (5.custom_function_sendmail) and save it with a name.

4. Modify the global function name, URL and the FROM TO name in the script. Refer to the attached screenshot. 

5. Configure custom trigger.

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