Not able to see databases while adding MSSQL monitors in OpManager

Not able to see databases while adding MSSQL monitors in OpManager


When I try to add the application monitor, I get to the stage to add databases there are none to be selected.

This issue could occur if the SQL servers WMI agent is not responding to the WMI request which results "null" i.e the WMI repository does not contain any SQL information which results in null.


Step 1:
1. Go to the monitored device.
2. Click Start-->Run,
For Windows 2000 winmgmt /resyncperf' command.
For Windows XP, 2008 and 2003 etc, use 'wmiadap /f' command.
3. After running this command about 4 times, wait for an hour and check for the same.

1. Go to the monitored device.
2. Click Start-->Run-->services.msc
3. Restart WMI service & MSSQL services.

Ifissue persist, send us the Support InformationFile(Support-->Support Information File) along with the followingqueries executed.
1. From command prompt go to <OpManager\conf\application\scripts>
2. Execute the following command :
\scripts>cscript wmiget.vbs devicename domainname\username password "ROOT\CIMV2" "SELECT CacheUseCountsPersec from Win32_PerfRawData_MSSQLSERVER_SQLServerCacheManager"

\scripts>cscript wmiget.vbs devicename domainname\username password "ROOT\CIMV2" "SELECT UserConnections from Win32_PerfRawData_MSSQLSERVER_SQLServerGeneralStatistics"

cscriptwmiget.vbs rex.india.adv adventnet\rex 1223123 "ROOT\CIMV2" "SELECTUserConnections fromWin32_PerfRawData_MSSQLSERVER_SQLServerGeneralStatistics"

If the above query does not show any databases , use WMI Diagnostic Utility to Diagnosing and Repairing Problems with the WMI Service

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