No Database listed while adding MSSQL Monitors

No Database listed while adding MSSQL Monitors


When I try to add MSSQL performance Monitors, I get to the stage to add databases but there were no databases listed .  This issue could occur if   32bit MSSQL is installed  on a 64bit Widows2008  R2.


Apparently Viewing performance monitor counters from a 32bit SQL install on a 64bit OS is not supported by Microsoft. As the DB install will run under %systemroot%\SysWOW64\ but the OS will run under %systemroot%\system32 when the counter dlls are loaded it does not ,by default, load the sql counter (sqlctr90.dll). A potential solution to this is to copy the sqlctr90.dll file from the SysWow64 folder and put it in the system32 folder. Although this is unsupported and can be temperamental it does enable the SQL2005 counters to be visible in the 64 bit performance monitor, after a short while you will be able to select a database within OpManager and the monitoring counters for MSSQL will start collecting data.

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