No data available (or) error in Diagnostic tests

No data available (or) error in Diagnostic tests

    1. In Applications Manager console, navidate to Admin -> Performance Polling -> Optimize Data Collection

    2. Select Active Directory as monitor type and choose the required metric under 'Metric Name'. Select Collect data in every poll option and click Save.

    3. Now try polling the monitor and check if data is populated.

    4. Check if all the powershell prerequisites have been met. The prerequisites can be found here.

    5. Open powershell in administrator mode in the Applications Manager-installed machine.

    6. Navigate to <Applications Manager Home>\working\conf\application\scripts\powershell directory and execute the below command by replacing the hostname, username and password with that of the AD server:

.\ADDiagnosticTests.ps1 'hostname' 'username' 'password' 'Connectivity,Advertising,SysVolCheck,KccEvent,RidManager,MachineAccount,LocatorCheck,FrsEvent,DFSREvent,NetLogons,ObjectsReplicated,VerifyReferences,Intersite,CrossRefValidation,CheckSDRefDom'

    7. Check the output and try to resolve the errors found, if any.

    8. If error occurs, open administrator PowerShell in the AD server directly and run the below command.
    9. Check the output and see if the data is shown correctly.


If the error still persists, reach out to our support with the output of the script execution to along with the latest Support Information File (SIF) from Applications Manager with print all logs enabled for analysis.

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