No data available for Major Page Faults/Context Switches for Linux/AIX in SSH mode

No data available for Major Page Faults/Context Switches for Linux/AIX in SSH mode

Problem: No data available for Major Page Faults/Context Switches

Solution: Execute the below commands in the remote server that is being monitored:
Linuxexport S_COLORS='never';LANG=C sar -B -w 1 3
AIXexport S_COLORS='never';LANG=C sar -w 1 3 

A) If the output is Command not installed , install the command . 
      Update your system first and then install SYSSTAT package using dnf/apt-get/yum command using sudo rights.
      Based on the package manager used in the Linux system, use one of the following commands and install the package:
sudo dnf install sysstat
sudo apt-get install sysstat
sudo yum install sysstat

B) If the output is Permission denied, grant sufficient privileges to the user used in Applications Manager for logging into the remote system.
sudo chmod u+rwx /usr/bin/sar

C) If the output is No such file or directory, check if the command is present in the /usr/bin/sar file path and if the environment variable includes that file path. If not, install the same.

A) If the output is Permission denied, grant sufficient privileges to the user used in Applications Manager for logging into the remote system.
Login as root user or user with root privileges and execute the following commands in terminal.
cd /usr/lib/sa
ls -lrt
chmod o+x /usr/lib/sa/sadc

C) If the output is No such file or directory, check if the command is present in the /usr/sbin/sar file path and if the environment variable includes that file path. If not, install the same.

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