NFA and NCM 12 Default Admin password Reset_postgres Database

NFA and NCM 12 Default Admin password Reset_postgres Database

Forgot Password:

  • The Forgot Password option in the login page can be used to reset the password.

  • Make sure the Mail Server Settings and User's email ID are configured. The auto generated password will be sent to the email ID entered as the User's email ID.

  • Go to the login page on NetFlow Analyzer. Click on the Forgot password button, enter your user name and press Send.

  • This will send an auto-generated password to the user's configured email.

Note: We highly recommend that you change the password upon logging in for the first time after resetting it.


Reset password for an Operator/Administrator by Administrator user

  • Login to NetFlow Analyzer using an account with admin privilege.

  • Click Settings >> General Settings >> User Management tab.

  • Under the Change Password tab click on Assign New of the respective user.

  • Update the new password and click on Save to save the changes.

Reset password for admin

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