Newly added device not detected in NetFlow Analyzer

Newly added device not detected in NetFlow Analyzer

Newly added device not detected in NetFlow Analyzer


There is no option in NetFlow UI to add a new device in NetFlow Analyzer. Once the device is configured to export NetFlow/s-Flow packets, NetFlow analyzer automatically detect's the device. If the new device is not detected in the UI please check the below points.

  1. Check in the License Management page if the device is listed under Unmanaged/New Interfaces. If so, manage them.

  2. The port number configured in the device for NetFlow export should be added in the NetFlow/sFlow listener port under Admin, Server Settings in the product UI.

  3. Install a packet capture device like wireshark and check if the UDP packets exported by the device is reaching the Netflow server. If packets are not reaching, please check the external firewall or any router access list is blocking the UDP packets. If the UDP packets from the device is reaching the server, then disable windows firewall (iptables in case of linux)  and check the issue.


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