NetFlow Version 12000 service startup issue-CentOS 7.0 and above

NetFlow Version 12000 service startup issue-CentOS 7.0 and above

Steps to be followed:

      1. Stop the OpManager. 

      2. Extract the attached file( in the <OpManager_home>\bin directory. 

            It will add below 3 files in <OpManager_home>\bin directory 
                  b. opmanager_systemd.conf 
                  c. opm_service 

      3. Login as su or root user , open terminal and goto <OpManager_home>\bin directory. 

      4. run "chmod 777 * " command to give permission to the scripts. 

      5. Execute the script. 

      6. It will add the opmanager as service.

      7. Make sure the the hostname is added in the /etc/hosts file.
 If not added means ,add it like below and save it.
 Ex : If your host name is my-host-opm my-host-opm
      7. Try reboot the machine and check the status. 

You can use the, 
      systemctl start opmanager.service       - to start the OpManager 
      systemctl status opmanager.service     - to get the status of OpManager Application. 
Once you have followed the above steps to add OpManager As service. You can use the below command to start , stop, restart, get the status of OpManager. 
Commands : 
Login as super user, Goto <OpManager_home>\bin and use below commands. 
To Start OpManager                 -  ./opm_service start 
To Stop OpManager                 -  ./opm_service stop <OpManager_username> <OpManager_Password> 
To restart OpManager              -  ./opm_service restart 
To get status of OpManager      -  ./opm_service status 

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