NetFlow Analyzer Tool Disk Space Requirement

NetFlow Analyzer Tool Disk Space Requirement

This this the Approximate Disk Space Calculation for Storing RAW Data , Aggregated Data and 1 min Flat files in NetFlow Analyzer:

Aggregated Data:

1. Historic Data (Forever)

  Connversation Data  =  (507000 byte * number of top record * number of interface * 2 ) 
  Src and Dst data  =  2* 58200 byte * number of interface 
  Application Data =  2* number of application *number of interface * 100940 byte 
Historic Data =     Connversation Data  +      Src and Dst data  +     Application Data
2. Top Stats Data

TopStatApplication = (507000 byte * number of top record * number of  Routers ) 
TopStatQos =  (507000 byte * number of top record * number of  Routers ) 
TopStatConversation =  (507000 byte * number of top record * number of  Routers ) 

TopStatsData = TopStatApplication+ TopStatQos + TopStatConversation

3. One min file size : 

One Min File Size = 60 bytes * 60 Min * 24 hours . 
                          = 86400 Bytes for a interface / day.
                          = 86 KiloBytes for a interface / day.

Aggregated Data Space =   Historic Data  +     Top Stats Data   + One Min File


Raw Data:

Each flow is around 500 bytes(roughly). 
So, HDD space required (in Bytes) = 500 Bytes * time in seconds * Flows Per Second.

For 10’000 flows per second, with a setting of 1 hours raw, how much db size will it take?
Here, (500 Bytes * 3600 seconds * 10000 Flows Per Second) calculates the space required by the flows received for 1 Hour.


Disk Space Needed =   Historic Data  +     Top Stats Data   + One Min File + Raw Data + 100 GB ( Installation/Report/default data )

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