MSP - Remote Asset Explorer Compatible Versions

MSP - Remote Asset Explorer Compatible Versions

Remote Asset Explorer-MSP Compatible Version

From MSP 14000 - Compatible RAE version 6970-6985

From MSP 13000 - Compatible AE version (6900-6979).
But RAE - DC integration, - If 6900,6901 RAE is used, then latest DC will not work. Bundled DC in RAE will work.
To integrate with latest DC MSP (if users aim to integrate separately) user should use only RAE - 6972 and above build but only till 6979.

To integrate with latest DC MSP (if users aim to integrate separately) user should use only RAE - 6972 and above build.

MSP 14700- Compatible AE version(7310-7400)
MSP 14600- Compatible AE version(7300)
MSP 14500- Compatible AE version(7003-7200)
MSP 14300- Compatible AE version(7000-7001)
MSP 14201- Compatble AE version(6970-6991)
MSP 14200- Compatble AE version(6970-6990)
MSP 10600 - Compatible AE version(6900-6909)
MSP 10536 - Compatible AE version(6805-6900)
MSP 10500 - Compatible AE version- 6500

Query to get the compatible AE version:

Navigate to Query report>>Execute the below query>>You will get the compatible AE version for the MSP version.

select * from globalconfig where parameter like '%remote%'

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