Migration of Opmanager V12 from one server to another Server

Migration of Opmanager V12 from one server to another Server


1)Stop ManageEngine  OpManager Service

2)Go to OpManager command prompt with run as Admin and execute  BackupDB.bat  from OpManager\bin\backup  
A backup file will be created under OpManager\backup folder ( Ex:Backup_Pgsql_Jul19_223135_12100.zip)

3)Install a fresh install of OpManager v12 of the same build to the new server

4)Copy the backup above backup file from the old server to the new server under OpManager\backup folder

5)Stop OpManager service on the new server

6)Go to OpManager command prompt with run as Admin and execute  "RestoreDB.bat   backupfilename with full   
   path " from OpManager\bin\backup folder.

   Ex: RestoreDB.bat "Backup_Pgsql_Jul19_223135_12100.zip"

3)Once restored , Start OpManager service 

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