Migrating the JRE bundled in Applications Manager

Migrating the JRE bundled in Applications Manager

JRE Upgrade Document for Applications Manager

This document helps the end-user in upgrading to the latest version of Java used in Applications Manager. The steps for Java upgrade in both Windows (Service and Non-Service mode) and Linux installations are covered here:

Steps for JRE upgrade to version 1.7.0_71 (for both Windows and Linux) (Recommended Method of Upgrade)
  • Download the bin/exe version of the latest (Currently 1.7.0_71) Sun JRE from their website : http://www.oracle.com/technetwork/java/javase/downloads/java-archive-downloads-javase7-521261.html#jre-7u71-oth-JPR .
  • Install the Sun JRE bin/exe .
  • Shut down Applications Manager.
  • The APM_HOME/working will contain a bundled jre. Rename this to jre_old
  • Copy the jre/ folder (present in installed JAVA_HOME directory) to APM_HOME/working directory.
  • Rename logs/ directory under APM_HOME/ to logs_old/
  • If there are file (s) placed by the user in the old jre which are still in use, copy them to the current jre directory.  (eg IBM MQ jars)
  • Now start Applications Manager. It will use the latest version of JRE.
  • To verify if the latest version of Java is being used, go to APM_HOME/logs directory and open stdout.txt and search for string "java version".

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