How to map the ADSelfService Plus installation from one machine to another when an external MSSQL database is used

How to map the ADSelfService Plus installation from one machine to another when an external MSSQL database is used

 This article describes the process to move ADSelfService Plus over to a new server when external MSSQL database is used.

Steps to migrate your ADSelfService Plus installation  


  • Before you start the process, please update your ADSelfService Plus installation to the latest build from the Service Pack webpage.

  • Back up the existing MSSQL database server.

  • Ensure that the new server has all the firewall exceptions as the old server.

  • Back up the BCP.exe and BCP.pll files from the ADSelfService Plus installation directory's bin folder (Default location: C:\Program Files\ManageEngine\ADSelfService Plus).

Important notes: 

  1. Do not uninstall ADSelfService Plus from the old machine until you have confirmed that the new installation works correctly.

  2. If you have enabled high availability or load balancing in the old machine, follow the steps mentioned in the appendix in addition to the steps given below.

Step 1: Back up (Optional)   

  1. Back up all patch files: Copy the patch folder present in ADSelfService Plus installation directory (Default location: C:\Program Files\ManageEngine\ADSelfService Plus).

  2. Back up all customized language files: Navigate to <installation directory>, and copy the resources folder within.

  3. Back up the customized login page: Navigate to <installation directory>\webapps\adssp, and copy the html, images, resources, and styles folders.

  4. Back up all SSL certificates: If you have enabled the HTTPS option for ADSelfService Plus in the old machine, then, navigate to the <installation directory>\conf folder, and copy the server.xml, web.xml, and SSL keystore. (For example: server.keystore) files.

  5. Backup the MPM folder: If you have enabled the mobile app deployment feature, then, backup the MPM folder (Default location: <installation directory>\MPM).

Note: The reason we are backing up folders from the old machine is because some folders can be lost during the moving process. Lost files, like the language or login agent-related files, should be restored in the new machine. If they are not restored, any customizations made to the language file or the login agent will not work correctly in the new machine.

Step 2: Restore the ADSelfServicePlus database in the new machine   

  1. Install ADSelfService Plus on the new machine. Note that the version, or the build number of both old and new installations must be the same.
  2. Install the MSSQL Native client or the necessary ODBC drivers on the new machine.

Note: If you do not know the build number of your old ADSelfService Plus installation, contact our support team.

  1. Stop the ADSelfService Plus, whether it is being run as an application or as a service.

  2. Paste the BCP.exe and BCP.pll files under the <installation directory>/bin folder.

  3. If you have followed step 1, then:

    • Paste the patch folder under the ADSelfService Plus installation directory (By default: C:\Program Files\ManageEngine\ADSelfService Plus).

    • Paste the resources folder under the ADSelfService Plus installation directory.

    • Paste the html and styles folders in the <installation directory>\webapps\adssp folder.

    • Paste the server.xml, web.xml, and the SSL keystore files in the <installation directory>\conf folder.

  1. Open the Command Prompt as an administrator (right-click Command Prompt and select Run as Administrator).

  2. Navigate to the <Installation_Dir>\bin folder (By default: C:\Program Files\ManageEngine\ADSelfService Plus\bin).

  3. Now, execute the following command:


In window that appears, choose the MSSQL database, and enter the database server details and credentials to point to the MSSQL database.

  1. Start ADSelfService Plus.

We have installed the same version on the new server and pointed the new installation to the existing MSSQL database.


1. Steps to follow for high availability setup during database server change
  • If you are changing the primary ADSelfService Plus server that is part of a high availability setup, follow the steps below:
    1. Access the ADSelfService Plus web-console after shutting down the primary server. You will automatically be redirected to the standby server.

    2. Disable high availability (Navigate to Admin > Enterprise essentials > High Availability) in the standby server. Start the primary server after this.

    3. Migrate the primary ADSelfService Plus installation from the old machine to the new machine by following the steps mentioned above.

    4. Map the primary ADSelfService Plus installation to the new MSSQL database server from the old database server.

    5. Once the mapping is complete, enable high availability on the new machine by following these steps.

  • If you are changing a standby ADSelfService Plus server that is part of a high availability setup, you can simply install ADSelfService Plus in a new machine and add it to the high availability setup by modifying the high availability configuration through the primary ADSelfService Plus server.

2. Steps to follow for load balancing setup during migration  

  • If you are changing the primary ADSelfService Plus node of a load balancing setup, follow the steps below:

    1. Login to ADSelfService Plus in the old machine that acts as the primary node, using administrator credentials.

    2. Go to Admin > Enterprise essentials > Load balancing. In the load balancing configuration window, click on Remove to delete all load balancing configuration from the old machine.

Note: The restoration of the backup will not automatically restore the load balancing configuration. It has to be manually configured. The secondary nodes have to be configured again as well. During the migration process, ADSelfService Plus will not be accessible to the users.

    1. ADSelfService Plus will now automatically restart.

    2. Migrate the primary ADSelfService Plus installation from the old machine to the new machine by following the steps mentioned above.

    3. Map the primary ADSelfService Plus installation to the new MSSQL database server from the old database server.

    4. Once the mapping is complete, you can configure load balancing in the new machine by following these steps.

  • To map the secondary ADSelfService Plus nodes that are part of a load balancing setup, install ADSelfService Plus in the new machine, and add that as a secondary node by modifying the load balancing configuration through the primary node, while removing the unused node.

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