Migrate from Standalone APM server to Plugin server

Migrate from Standalone APM server to Plugin server

Please note that these steps can be followed only if your OpManager version is 127104 or above. 
Migration Steps from Standalone Server To Plug-In Server:

In the standalone server, go to AppManager\bin directory and run BackupConfig.bat\.sh file to take a backup of Config files and then proceed by following the below steps. 
Point to remember for  Enterprise Edition:
- If you are migrating from standalone to Plugin, OpManager should also be in the Enterprise setup with same number of Central and Probe Servers.
- MySQL database is not supported in OpManager
- Applications Manager version must be compatible to OpManager version.
- Backup taken from Managed server in standalone must be restored in Plugin Managed Server with the same Server ID. (Server ID of Plugin installed can be found in AMServer.properties file (keyName : am.server.startresidrange) in AppManager\conf folder)
PGSQL  Database:
1. Install a Applications Manager plugin instance with the same build number as the Standalone Applications Manager server, under the respective OpManager server.
2. Start the OpManager server once and stop it.
3. Take a backup of the database from the standalone server using the script as shown below:
Go to  $AppManager_Home\bin directory in command prompt. (Run as Administrator)
Execute the backup script as follows: 
In Windows:
  1. AppManager\bin > BackupPGSQLDB.bat  --database
In Linux:       
  1. AppManager/bin# sh BackupPGSQLDB.sh  --database
The backup ZIP file will be generated under AppManager\working\backup folder.
4. Move the ZIP file to the OpManager\AppManager\working\backup folder of the new plugin installation.
5. Execute the restore script using above backup zip file as shown below:
In Windows: 
  1. OpManager\AppManager\bin > RestorePGSQLDB.bat  <Absolute path of backup ZIP file>
 In Linux:     
  1. OpManager/AppManager/bin# sh RestorePGSQLDB.sh  <Absolute path of backup ZIP file>                   
6.  Save the below queries in a text files called Queries.txt under OpManager/AppManager/working directory.
  1. delete from am_globalconfig where name='ADMIN_CONFIG_VERSION';
  2. delete from AM_UserPasswordTable;
  3. delete from AM_UserGroupTable;
7. Go to  $OpManager_HOME/AppManager/bin directory in command prompt. (Run as Administrator)
In Windows:
  1. OpManager\AppManager\bin > BackupPGSQLDB.bat  --queries
In Linux:       
  1. OpManager/AppManager/bin# sh BackupPGSQLDB.sh  --queries
8.. Once you execute the above steps, execute the config file backup and restore using the steps given in the CONFIG files backup and Restore section.

Microsoft SQL Database:
1. Install the plugin build with the same build number as the Standalone Applications Manager server. Both OpManager and AppManager Plugin should pointing to same Microsoft SQL server which is used in Standalone Applications Manager database server.
2. Once installed, navigate to OpManager\AppManager\conf\Plugin.properties file and update the database name to match the existing database in Standalone Applications Manager in the same MSSQL Server.
3. Connect to the database in SQL Server using SQL Management studio and execute the following queries:
  1. delete from am_globalconfig where name='ADMIN_CONFIG_VERSION';
  2. delete from AM_UserPasswordTable;
  3. delete from AM_UserGroupTable;
4. Once you implement the above steps, execute the config file backup and restore using steps given below.
5. Restart the OpManager Server once.

CONFIG files backup and Restore
1. Execute the backup config Script as follows: 
In Windows: 
  1. AppManager\bin > BackupConfig.bat
In Linux:         
  1. AppManager/bin# sh BackupConfig.sh
2. The backup ZIP file will be generated under $AppManager\working\backup directory.
3. In the new installation, take the copy of the AMServer.properties file under $OpManager\AppManager\conf directory.
4. Move the ZIP file (from the standalone installation) to the $OpManager\AppManager\working\backup folder of the new standalone installation.
5. Execute the restore Script (in the new plugin installation) as given below:

In Windows:
  1. OpManager\AppManager\bin > RestoreConfig.bat  <Absolute path of backup ZIP file under OpManager\AppManager\working\backup folder>
In Linux: 
  1. OpManager/AppManager/bin# sh RestoreConfig.sh  <Absolute path of backup ZIP file OpManager/AppManager/working/backup folder>
6. Once above script has been executed, paste the AMServer.properties file taken as backup copy in previous step.
7. Edit the AMServer.properties file and update value of am.appmanager.hostname, am.db.port, am.webserver.port if required.
NOTE:  Backup configuration zip file name starts with the name "backupconfzip.

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