Microsoft365 License Management using ADManager Plus

Microsoft365 License Management using ADManager Plus

Microsoft 365 License Management using ADManager Plus


The M365 licenses can be managed by the following methods,

  1. Using the License Management section under Microsoft 365 tab.

  1. Managing licenses using user creation/modification templates.

  1. Using the Modify Single User task

  1. Automate the assignment or removal of licenses

  1. Automatically revoking license once user is deleted or disabled


1License Management under Microsoft 365 tab 

Assigning or removing licenses for users can be done using the Microsoft 365 management tab. Navigate to Microsoft 365 > Management > License Management for bulk license management. Please refer to the screenshot below.


2Managing licenses using user creation/modification templates 

Assigning license to the users can be performed using the user creation/modification templates. These templates include the Creation Rules or Modification Rules option, which allows you to auto-populate or define conditions to reactively-populate the desired licenses for the user accounts.



To use user creation templates, follow the steps given in the below image,




To use the user modification template, follow the steps given in the below image,


3Using the Modify Single User task 

  1. Navigate to Management > User Management > Modify Single User.

  1. In the Modify Single User page, choose the domain in which the user account that has to be modified is located.

  1. Locate the desired user account for which the license needs to be edited.

  1. Once the required user is located, click the Modify User button located in the Action column of the user account.

  1. Navigate to the Microsoft 365 tab and edit the licenses as per requirement


 4Automate the assignment or removal of licenses 

The following steps will help you to configure Automation of an AD task in ADManager Plus

  1. Click on the Automation tab.

  1. From the left pane, choose Automation.

  1. A page with the display of all existing automations and their details will appear; to create a new automation, click on Create New Automation on the top-right corner.

  1. In the page that appears configure the settings with the help of the below labels,

    1. Automation Name: Enter a name for the automation process

    1. Description: Add a note that describes the automation process

    1. Automation Category: Choose User Automation from the drop-down

    1. Select Domain: Choose the domain and the OUs where the task should be run.You can also exclude child OUs from the selected OUs.

    1. Automation Task/Policy: Choose M365 Task from the left pane and select either Assign Microsoft 365 Licences or Remove Microsoft 365 Licences.

    1. Select objects: Select the objects on which the task would be performed - from report and/or CSV import.

    1. Run at: Choose the interval and time at which the task should be run.  

    1. Notification: Enable notification to set Email and SMS alerts to notify users about the execution of this task.

  1. Finally, click Save to the automation, or Save & Run to run the automation immediately.


 5Automatically revoking license once user is deleted or disabled 

 When using ADManager Plus to de-provision a user, you can choose to remove their M365 licenses when their account is disabled. To do this, go to Admin > Delete/Disable Policy and configure the requirements under the Cloud Accounts section.

The settings will be triggered immediately once the user is deleted or disabled through ADManager Plus. Please refer to the GIF below for reference.



Please feel free to reach out to us if you need further assistance.

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