Script to satisfy first response SLA

Script to satisfy first response SLA

As of now only for the following scenarios, First response can be marked in the MSP application,

* Notes addition
* Worklog addition
* Technicians manual response

Apart from this if you want to mark any other actions in the application as First Response, we can use a script that automatically adds notes based on a condition to the request. 


1. We are using the python script to add notes, the SDP-MSP server should have python configured. You can follow the instructions here.  
2. Under Admin >> Self Service Portal >> Enable First response by default for, check Notes


1) Download the attached zip file and extract the contents in the path ServiceDeskPlus-MSP\integration\custom_scripts.
2) Edit the configuration.json and update the URL and Technician Key.
3) Configure a Custom Trigger like shown below. Here, the status change is used to mark the first response. 

I have configured the trigger in such a way that if a ticket is moved to Resolved, request completed or request stop timer , then that time will be marked as first response in the application, and the same will be marked in the application as Responded Date like shown below,

In the ticket History also the same will be updated like shown below,

In Notes, it will be shown like below,

If you want the user/requester to be notified of the update, then enable the below notification in Notification Rules under Requester notifications,

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