Mark Worklog Billable as NO by default with scripts using Custom Triggers

Mark Worklog Billable as NO by default with scripts using Custom Triggers

There are situations, where you want the Worklog to be marked as NON-BILLABLE by default. This can achieved using our Business Rules, where you can have the Action set as "Mark Request" as Non-Billable. However, this option is applicable provided only if you have the Billing enabled for the Account.

1. Download and extract the file ''  from here and place it under <Drive>:\ManageEngine9301\ServiceDeskPlus-MSP\integration\custom_scripts.   
2. Edit the file '' and add your application URL and the Technician Key of an "Admin User" :   

Note : You can get the Technician Key by editing a Technician and check for the Key word API Key and Save the same after generating :   


3. Make sure that you have Python installed on your application server.   
4. Also We need a dependency called requests.   

5.  To install dependency run the file 'easy_install.exe' which is under <Drive>:\Python34\Scripts, Example :   
C:\Python34\Scripts>easy_install.exe requests   

6. Go to Admin > Custom Triggers > Set the Action Type as "Execute Script" and use the below format   
C:\Python34\python.exe C:\ManageEngine\ServiceDeskPlus-MSP\integration\custom_scripts\ $COMPLETE_JSON_FILE   

Now, upon meeting the criterias that you had configured under Custom Trigger's. Adding a worklog will be marked as Non-Billable.   

NOTE : Had attached the script "MarkAsNonBillalble"

Thanks for your understanding.     

Kind Regards,
Ajay Kumar

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