ManageEngine CloudDNS DNS Analytics Dashboard

ManageEngine CloudDNS Dashboard

ManageEngine CloudDNS Dashboard

The CloudDNS dashboard serves as an effective visualization tool that presents the most important DNS analytics data.


To access the Dashboard:

Select the Dashboard menu from the main menu bar along the left window pane to view DNS analytical statistics and DNS traffic charts.

The Dashboard automatically refreshes every minute and shows you the following dashboard items that give an overview of your domains:

Recently Updated Domains


Tabulates the domains that were recently updated by the members of your organization along with the captured date and time of modification.

Total Queries (Last Hour)

The metric highlights the count of total number of queries handled by the DNS infrastructure in the last hour, to give a sharp quantitative assessment of the last hour query load.

Last Hour Queries

The Last Hour queries metric visualizes the query load handled the previous hour with a time series plot, illustrating the amount of query load handled at successive intervals of time.

Last 24 Hours Queries

The Last 24 hours Queries metric is visually presented in a bar chart the hourly query load across a time span of 24 hours between the current time and 24 hours before the current time. Each column in the chart represents an hour in the last 24 hour span. You can easily grasp the information by hovering on a particular column gives you the query load for a specific hour.


Country-Wise Queries (Last 24 Hours)


The world map panel at the extreme bottom of the dashboard presents a tile map of the world that helps you accurately visualize the geographical origin and total number of query requests from a country with red overlaid circles on each country.


The Total Queries and the Country is shown in the popover when you hover over a circle.


The legend on the top right corner of the map depicts the threshold levels and the associated circle sizes of each level. The smallest circle for minimum level of 1 and the largest circle for countries with query requests exceeding 8M queries.

Reach out to for any product-related queries.



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