Mail Fetching Stops Automatically after 9410 upgrade

Mail Fetching Stops Automatically after 9410 upgrade

Issue found after upgrading to 9410. On detailed analysis, we found this to be recreated at our end and is assigned with an Issue ID : 12535. 

Traces in the Logs :
[10:51:13:058]|[11-20-2018]|[com.adventnet.servicedesk.helpdesk.mail.task.MailFetchingTask]|[SEVERE]|[87]: Error when processing.  SO RETURNING...|
java.lang.NullPointerException at com.manageengine.servicedesk.utils.MSPHdCMDBUtil.getAssetCIsDO(

For Professional And Enterprise Users :
Go to Admin > Self-Service Portal Settings and set the below option to "NO" :
Set requesters asset automatically for requests created through e-mail?

For Standard Edition Users :
1. Stop the application. 
2. Please take a backup  of the application <OR> take a Snapshot of both the Servers (Application & Database).
4. Execute the below query : 
update globalconfig set paramvalue=false where parameter like 'AUTOASSIGN_OF_ASSET_IN_REQUEST';

5. Start the application service. 

Thanks & Regards,
Ajay Kumar

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