Login page error: Username/Password is incorrect.

Login page error: Username/Password is incorrect.

This article will explain the possible scenarios at which you can encounter this error and the steps you can take to resolve them. 

Scenario: When you try to login with your technician credentials (login using your AD account) to the ADManager Plus web console.


Potential root causes:

  1. The entered credentials might be incorrect.
  2. Domain Controllers are not reachable/communicable.

Troubleshooting steps:

  1. Check if you are able to login to any of your domain controllers to check if the AD account credentials are fine.
  2. Login to product as the inbuilt admin of the product & check the Domain Settings page for any error messages related to Domain Controllers sync/connectivity.
  3. If you don’t find any error messages in the Domain Settings page, please update a privileged account (domain admin preferred) & re-login using the AD account credentials.

If the issue still persists, contact support@admanagerplus.com.

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