Excess license usage shown for support reps in SCP 8.1

Excess license usage shown for support reps in SCP 8.1

1. Go to reports - > New query report, and execute the below query. 

select * from aaauser aaau join sduser sdu on aaau.user_id=sdu.userid inner join helpdeskcrew hd on sdu.userid=hd.technicianid inner join aaalogin aaal on hd.technicianid=aaal.user_id where sdu.STATUS='ACTIVE'

This will show the total number of support reps with active login.

2. Based on the above result, if any support rep that doesn't require a login is shown, the same can be edited and the login can be removed or the user shall be deleted.

3. Go to the contact module, and open any contact. In the URL, replace the userid with the support rep's user ID as per step 1's report output.

This will take you to the support rep details page. Edit and remove the login or delete the user based on your requirement.

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