Issues while upgrading Applications Manager with PostgreSQL backend database

Issues while upgrading Applications Manager with PostgreSQL backend database

Problem 1:

After installing Applications Manager  with PostgreSQL as backend (For  versions 14850 and above), the following error message is shown due to error the file because of missing GLIBC_2.9 library file:  

./initdb: /lib64/ version `GLIBC_2.9' not found (required by ./initdb)

./initdb: /lib64/ version `GLIBC_2.6' not found (required by ./initdb)

./initdb: /lib64/ version `GLIBC_2.7' not found (required by /home/test/AppManager14/working/pgsql/bin/../lib/


After applying service pack (.ppm file) upgrade with PostgreSQL as backend in Linux (For versions 14850 and above), the following error message is shown due to missing GLIBC_2.9 library file:

./postgres: /lib64/ version `GLIBC_2.9' not found (required by ./postgres)

./postgres: /lib64/ version `GLIBC_2.6' not found (required by ./postgres)

./postgres: /lib64/ version `GLIBC_2.7' not found (required by /home/test/AppManager14/working/pgsql_11.7/bin/../lib/


For the above error traces, execute the below command to verify the GLIBC in your Linux server:

$ldd --version

If the above command output returns GNU LIBC < 2.9, then upgrade the GLIBC in your machine and try installing Applications Manager once again. For more information about upgrading GLIBC, click here.

Problem 2:
After applying service pack (.ppm file) upgrade with PostgreSQL as backend in Linux (For versions 14850 and above), the following error message is encountered:
Unable to apply PPM due to kernel's SHMMAX parameter is low in this system. You can either reduce the request size or reconfigure the kernel with larger SHMMAX.
To reduce the request size, reduce PostgreSQL's shared memory usage, perhaps by reducing shared_buffers or max_connections.

To re-configure the kernel with larger SHMMAX, shared memory size settings can be changed via the sysctl interface. 
For example, to allow 16 GB, execute the following command:
$ sysctl -w kernel.shmmax=17179869184
For more information about shared memory, click here
Note: Upgrading Applications Manager on Windows 2003 server is not supported as this edition has reached EOL. Please upgrade the Windows edition first, then proceed to upgrade the Applications Manager. 

Problem 3:
After applying service pack (.ppm file) upgrade with PostgreSQL as backend in Windows (For versions 14850 and above), the following error message is shown:


For the above error traces, check the below files present under <Windows_Folder>\System32 and/or <Windows_Folder>\SysWOW64 folders.
  1. api-ms-win-crt-stdio-l1-1-0.dll
  2.  api-ms-win-crt-string-l1-1-0.dll
  3.  api-ms-win-crt-runtime-l1-1-0.dll
If the above dlls are missing in the mentioned file path, an update for Universal C Runtime in Windows is required.

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