Is there a timeout that can be modified for the Admin Server to connect to its Managed Servers when performing sync operations?
Yes, you can modify the timeout for connecting to the Managed servers by specifying the value for the key am.sockettest.timeout in the file of the Admin server. To do so, follow the steps given below:
- Stop the Applications Manager service for your Admin server.
- In the Admin server, navigate to <Applications Manager Home>\conf directory and open the file.
- Modify the value for the key am.sockettest.timeout with the desired timeout value.
- Once done, save the file and restart the Applications Manager service.

- Actual timeout value to be configured for the monitor should be four times the value specified for the key. For example, if the timeout value specified for the key is 30, then the actual timeout value configured for the monitor would be 120 seconds (30 x 4 = 120)
- Default timeout value specified for the key would be 15 seconds (am.sockettest.timeout=15). Therefore, the actual timeout value configured for the monitor would be 60 seconds by default. (15 x 4 =60)
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