Is it possible to do wildcard process monitoring?for eg., monitor a process www*, if any of the two or more processes (like www1 OR www2) is available

Is it possible to do wildcard process monitoring?for eg., monitor a process www*, if any of the two or more processes (like www1 OR www2) is available

You can monitor two process by following these steps:

1) Select any one of the server Monitors - for eg, Windows.
2) Select 'add process monitor' from the right hand side of the window.
3) Select the process that you would like to monitor. This will add the selected process.
4) Now go to the Process Details Table and click Edit.
5) In the 'Process Name' field, enter the process name that you want to monitor without wildcard symbol.
for eg, if you have two processes with names service1.exe and service2.exe then, in the process display name field give the process name as service. Applications Manager will now check the availability for both service1.exe and service2.exe .
6) Then save the changes.

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