IP Address Management

IP Address Management

 About IP Address Management 

IPAM is a comprehensive system designed to plan, track, and manage IP address space within a network for smooth identification and communication. It provides a centralized repository for IP address information, offering administrators a bird’s eye view of the network infrastructure, to oversee the allocation and usage of IP addresses.

ManageEngine DDI's IP Address Manager serves as the linchpin in maintaining a robust and efficient network infrastructure. By seamlessly integrating with your DNS and DHCP services, IPAM emerges as a key player in the evolving landscape of network administration, offering not just solutions but a proactive approach to network management.




 The  IPAM stats  dashboard 

The IPAM stats dashboard presents an overview of the DHCP scopes or network topological units.

To access ManageEngine DDI's IPAM:

  1. Log into ManageEngine DDI with your login credentials.

  1. Select the IPAM menu from the left menu bar. With the IPAM selected, select Stats from the submenu that appear parallel to the left menu bar.

The IPAM stats offering insights on the IP address inventory managed by your DHCP server, referred as the Stats dashboard appears on screen. View IP address statistics for DHCPv4 and DHCPv6 address spaces using the toggle at the top right corner.

 Total Subnet Usage 

Provides quick insights on the overall utilization of all subnets within a network infrastructure. It provides an aggregate view of the allocated and available subnets, offering a comprehensive understanding of the subnet distribution across the network.

 Usage per Subnet 

Displays a bar graph showcasing the top 5 subnets with the highest IP utilization percentage within each subnet managed by the DHCP server.

 Devices Usage 

Device Usage statistics provide insights into the distribution of assigned IPs among various hardware vendors.

 IP Usage 

Displays bar graphs illustrating the total number of fixed, available, and active IPs in the entire IPv4/IPv6 address space managed by the DHCP server.



 Analyzing Lease and Lease history 

To access the lease records of the DHCP server:

Select the Lease menu from the left inner menu bar.

The Lease page appears displaying the list of IP addresses currently leased by the DHCP server from a specific subnet, along with its the total lease duration, the current availability state of the IP,  the MAC address and the manufacturer details of the host device associated with the IP during the lease period.



You can also export these lease records and download them as a CSV file for future references.


To select a different subnet, click on the dropdown box at the top right end and choose the specific subnet by its network address.

Click on an IP address to probe through the lease history of that particular address.

The History page for the IP address appears displaying the following sections:


DNS Relations

The DNS relations section displays a list of domain name records that was previously leased with the selected IP address. It includes information such as the type of record, the exact Fully Qualified Domain Name (FQDN) linked to the record, and the root domain of the record.


The history section provides a comprehensive audit trail detailing the evolution of the IP over time. It includes information on the host, identified by its MAC address and the manufacturer of the host device, to which the IP was leased and the duration of that lease. Additionally, it records the type of connection and precisely indicates the availability state of the IP during the entire span of the lease.

DNS Queries

The DNS Queries provides two sections to help you quantify and visualize the query volume handled by the IP during its association with various FQDNs.

The section on the left,  lists a historical overview of the total query volume to each specific FQDNs when the IP was associated with them.

Additionally, the section on the right, helps you visualize in the form of line graphs, the hourly query volume handled by the IP when it was associated with different domain names along a custom time frame. To analyze these hourly readings more accurately, make sure you select a custom time frame from the drop down calendar at the left corner within the same section.


 Managing VLAN IP address inventory 

To visualize and take control of the IP allocations for the VLANs managed by the DHCP server:

Select the VLAN menu from the left inner menu bar.

The VLAN page appears displaying the list of all VLANS serviced by the DHCP server.

Click on a VLAN entry from the list to view detailed stats on that specific VLAN from the Stats page.

Along the the top section of the Stats page, find the VLAN ID and the VLAN Name along with the essential details like: the dedicated subnet leasing IP addresses to the VLAN, the total number of available IPs in the subnet for the VLAN, the number of active IP addresses allocated to the VLAN.

The mid section of the Stats page displays the following infographics:

VLAN Usage: Illustrates the percentage of IP usage within the VLAN.

Number of IPs in the subnet: A doughnut plot that illustrates and quantifies the volume of Subnet's IP addresses based on their availability states like:

  • Available: IPs that are not currently assigned and are ready for allocation.

  • Active: IPs that are currently in use and assigned to active devices on the network.

  • Abandoned: IPs that were previously assigned but are no longer in use or have been released.

  • Fixed: IPs that are reserved for specific devices or purposes, ensuring they are not allocated to other devices.

  • Free: Typically includes both IPs that are available for immediate assignment and those that are reserved but not currently in use.


At the bottom section, you'll discover a list of each IP address in the subnet, responsible for provisioning IP addresses to the VLAN, along with their availability states. You can click on any Available or Free IP address to directly configure it for a host that is supposed to connect with the VLAN.



You can also search through the list for a specific VLAN by its VLAN ID. In addition, You can directly export the VLAN stats and download them as a CSV file for future references.



 Managing network IP address inventory 

To visualize and take control of the IP allocations of each subnet managed by the DHCP server:

Select the DHCP -> Manage IP menu from the left menu bar.

The Manage IP tab displays the following 3 sections:

The first section on the left displays the list of all the IPs within the subnet. Click on any available/free IPs from the list. This directly takes you to the Host Page. Here you can directly assign the chosen IP address to any host or client.

The second section on the top right visually depicts the volume of IP addresses in different availability states along a doughnut plot :

  • Available: IPs that are not currently assigned and are ready for allocation.

  • Active: IPs that are currently in use and assigned to active devices on the network.

  • Abandoned: IPs that were previously assigned but are no longer in use or have been released.

  • Fixed: IPs that are reserved for specific devices or purposes, ensuring they are not allocated to other devices.

  • Free: Typically includes both IPs that are available for immediate assignment and those that are reserved but not currently in use.


The third section on the bottom right corner, illustrates the overall percentage of IP utilization within that subnet.






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