Integrating PagerDuty with Applications Manager using Webhook

Integrating PagerDuty with Applications Manager using Webhook

Using Webhook, you can now integrate PagerDuty with Applications Manager and receive real-time alerts on incidents right into your PagerDuty instance. 

Step 1: Configuring PagerDuty

  1. Open the required PagerDuty instance to which Applications Manager alert has to be communicated. 
  2. Create a new service in your PagerDuty instance. While selecting the Integration Type , make sure you select the Use our API directly option.  Learn how to create a new service in PagerDuty
  3. After creating a new service, navigate to the newly-added service and copy the Integration Key available under the Integrations tab.  

Step 2: Configuring Applications Manager

  • In Applications Manager web client, go to Actions > Webhook / REST API action.
  • Enter the display name of the action. 
  • In HTTP(s) URL textbox, enter the following Webhook URL:
  • Choose the  Form Submission Method as POST.  
  • Choose the  PayLoad Type as JSON.
  • In the Custom Parameters  textbox, enter the following parameters: 

  • "payload": { 
      "source": "$HOSTNAME",
      "severity": "critical",
      "component": "$MONITORTYPE",
      "group": "$MONITORGROUP",
      "class": "$ATTRIBUTE"
    "routing_key": " <<INTEGRATION KEY>> ",
    "event_action": "trigger"
    Paste the copied Integration Key in the place of <<INTEGRATION KEY>> for the 'routing_key' parameter.
    1. For the  "severity"  parameter, possible values should be either critical, error, warning , or info.
    1. Refer to the PagerDuty REST API documentation for additional parameters that you wish to include in the payload under  Custom Parameters
  • Under Request Headers, specify the Header Name as Content-Type and Header Value as application/json.
  • Enter the remaining fields such as User Agent, Authentication Method, etc., if required.
  • Select the email ID in Notify after action execution for both success and failure conditions to receive notifications, if required.
  • Finally, enter the Timeout value and click on Create Action.

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