Integrate Jira Service Management (Cloud) with Applications Manager using Webhook

Integrate Jira Service Management (Cloud) with Applications Manager using Webhook

Using Webhook, you can now integrate Jira Service Management (Cloud) with Applications Manager and receive real-time alerts on incidents right into your Jira instance. 

Follow the steps given below to integrate Jira service (Cloud) with Applications Manager using Webhook:
  • In Applications Manager web client, go to Actions > Webhook / REST API action.
  • Enter the display name of the action. 
  • In HTTP(s) URL textbox, enter the following URL: 
  • Choose the Form Submission Method as POST 
  • Choose the PayLoad Type as JSON.
  • In the Custom Parameters textbox, enter the following parameters: 
  • {


          "summary":"$MONITORNAME - $SEVERITY",















                         "text":"Monitor Name - $MONITORNAME\nAttribute - $ATTRIBUTE\nMonitor Type - $MONITORTYPE\nHost Name - $HOSTNAME\nRoot Cause Message - $RCAMSG_PLAINTEXT",









    Replace <ProjectKeyName> with the project key in which the issues need to be created. You can get this name in the Jira Service Management Project view itself.
    Replace <IssueTypeID> with the type ID of issue you need to create. Below is the reference links for more information about the Issue Type ID:

    You can use more Replaceable tags in the summary or text fields

  • Under Request Headers, specify the Header Name as Accept and Header Value as application/jsonClick  icon to add Request Header and enter Header Name as Content-Type and Header Value as application/json. Once again, click  icon to add Request Header and enter Header Name as Authorization and Header Value as Basic <API Key in Base64 encoded format>. Click on this link to generate API key in Jira Service Management Cloud.
    Note : You need to enter API Key in this link to get the encrypted value

  • Enter the remaining fields such as User Agent, Authentication Method, etc., if required.
  • Select the email ID in Notify after action execution for both success and failure conditions to receive notifications, if required.
  • Finally, enter the Timeout value and click on Create Action.
Sample Screenshots for incident created in Jira Service Management

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