Installing Applications Manager in Microsoft Azure

Installing Applications Manager in Microsoft Azure

Applications manager can be installed in Azure Virtual Machines in both Windows and Linux platforms. 
Applications Manager comes with bundled PostgreSQL.

Installing Applications Manager in VM for Windows

  1. Go to Virtual Machines and create a "Windows" instance with "At least 16GB" memory.
    • Refer hardware requirements for more information.
    • If Azure DB is used for backend, ensure that the DB is accessible by the VM.
  2. Connect to the launched VM.
  3. Download the Applications Manager executable file here.
  4. Run the downloaded file and install the Applications Manager.
  5. If Azure DB is used for backend, uncheck the checkbox for "Launch Applications Manager now" at the end of installation process and follow the steps mentioned in the "Use Azure DB for PostgreSQL/MSSQL as backend for Applications Manager" section below.

Installing Applications Manager in VM for Linux

  • Go to Virtual Machines and create a "Linux" instance with "At least 16GB" memory.
    • Refer hardware requirements for more information.
    • If Azure DB is used for backend, ensure that the DB is accessible by the VM.
  • Connect to the launched VM.
  • Then, download bin file of applications manager in the instance by executing the following command:
  • Grant execute permission to the downloaded file by executing the following command:
    • chmod +x ManageEngine_ApplicationsManager_64bit.bin
  • Install Applications Manager by executing the below command:
    • ./ManageEngine_ApplicationsManager_64bit.bin -i console
  • If Azure DB is used for backend, uncheck the checkbox for "Launch Applications Manager now" at the end of installation process and follow the steps mentioned in the "Use Azure DB for PostgreSQL/MSSQL as backend for Applications Manager" section below.

Use Azure DB for PostgreSQL/MSSQL as backend for Applications Manager

  1. Verify the DB permissions required to run Applications Manager. Refer here.
  2. Configure Azure Network Security group (NSG) to allow the set of host/ports to communicate with Azure Virtual Machine and PostgreSQL/ MSSQL server. (Ensure the Database connection port is Open by defining a proper rule in NSG.)
  3. Go to Azure DB for PGSQL/MSSQL server console, create a server with the below configurations:
    1. Recommended version : Refer here.
    2. Ensure that DB port 5432 is open to ensure that proper connection to the database can be made from Applications Manager server.
    3. Make note of the following metrics from the database:
      1. Azure PostgreSQL Database Server name [Hostname]
      2. Database port number
      3. Database admin username
      4. Database password
  4. After successful installation, edit the file.
    1. The file can be found under <Installation Directory>/Appmanager<version>/conf/
    2. Replace am.dbport.check=true with am.dbport.check=false.
    3. Replace am.db.port=15432 with am.db.port=<RDS port>
    1. Editing database_params.conf file:
      1. For PGSQL, goto ../Appamanger/working/conf/PGSQL/database_params.conf.
      2. For MSSQL, goto ../Appamanger/working/conf/MSSQL/database_params.conf.
      1. Change the host and port details:
        1. url jdbc:postgresql://localhost:15435/amdb to url jdbc:postgresql://<Azure DB host>:<Azure DB port>/amdb
      2. Change the database username:
        1. username dbuser AppModules to username <DB username> AppModules
      3. Change the database password:
        1. encryptedpassword eK6L4W0cd6469 AppModules to password <DB password> AppModules.
      4. Save the file.
    2. Copy the file database_params.conf from step 5 and replace it here: ../Appmanager/working/conf/database_params.conf.
    3. Take a backup of AppManager\working\bin\startPGSQL.bat/.sh file and AppManager\working\bin\stopPGSQL.bat/.sh file and then extract patch from this link under <AppManager_Home> directory.
    4. Start the Applications Manager.
    If you have any other issues, kindly check the list of troubleshooting links given below:
    1. To access Azure DB from Azure VM using static IP, refer here.
    2. To configure VM to connect SQL managed instance, refer here.
    3. To Connect SQL server VMs, refer here.
    4. For troubleshooting connectivity problems between VMs, refer here.

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