Installation and Startup Failure of Postgres Database in some Linux Distributions

Installation and Startup Failure of Postgres Database in some Linux Distributions

Log Traces 
  1. Jul 27, 2023 6:24:49 PM  [SYSOUT]  [INFO] : /home/sdpuser/ManageEngine/ServiceDesk/pgsql/bin/psql: error while loading shared libraries: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory

Root Cause 
  1. is a shared library that provides terminal information handling functionality. It is part of the GNU C Library (glibc) and is used for terminal-related operations, such as handling terminal capabilities, terminal size, and terminal input/output.
  2. From the trace, it seems like the library could not be accessed. either it should be missing or corrupted or restricted.
  1. As mentioned in the above points, this library is required for the successful installation and startup. you can install the package using the below command.
    1. sudo yum install ncurses-compat-libs
  2. If you had already installed, but still this issue persist, which implies that the required version of library is not found. In this case,  you can follow any one of the below two procedure after locating the '' package in your machine, using the command " locate".
    1. Duplicate and Rename
      1. Make a copy of the file which is named "<x>" (For Example, in the same directory.
      2. Rename the copied file to ""
    2. Make a symlink for the file.
      1. sudo ln -s <path of the located file> <same path of the located file, but rename the filename to "">
        1. For Example,
          1. sudo ln -s /usr/lib/x_64/ /usr/lib/x_64/
  3. After this procedure, Kindly try to start the server. If the same issue persist, Kindly collect the logs and report it to our support team.

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