While uploading a CSV file, I get "Incorrect CSV Format. Number of headers and the number of values in each row must be equal." error message

While uploading a CSV file, I get "Incorrect CSV Format. Number of headers and the number of values in each row must be equal." error message

Error : Incorrect CSV Format. The number of headers and the number of values in each row must be equal.

Possible cause:

This error occurs when a header does not have a corresponding value, resulting in a mismatch between the total number of headers and the total number of columns in the rows. Please recheck the CSV file to check if any headers are left blank.


Possible solution:

Ensure the number of headers and the number of values in each row are equal.

Here's an example CSV format for reference.

Incorrect format:

Correct format:

If the issue still persists, contact support@admanagerplus.com.

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