Implementing secure gateway server for ServiceDesk Plus

Implementing secure gateway server for ServiceDesk Plus

As per the RBI guidelines, FOS and Secure Gateway Server features are mandatory for all hosted software used in the banking domain. We can achieve a service gateway server in the service desk plus by following the below steps:
Steps to Integrate with NGinx Server:
  • What is NGinx server? NGINX is a web server that also acts as an email proxy, reverse proxy, and load balancer.



  • We need to install nginx server in the Separate server which is in the DMZ Zone


  • Extract the downloaded zip file.


  • After extracting the zip file, need to modify the nginx.conf file to enable URL restriction for mobile apps.


  • Open the nginx.conf file which is available under "nginx/conf/" directory.


  • Replace the nginx.conf file with the below configuration file.

                   Nginx Configuration file: refer to the nginx attached file


Refer to the below configurations to configure the NGinx server's port.

  server {

      # Below to change the nginx server's port

        listen       80;

  #Refer to the below configuration to configure the nginx domain

  • Refer to the below configurations to configure the ServiceDesk Plus server name/IP and port in nginx.conf file. For Example,

upstream internalserver {

    server; }

  # Default is HTTP Mode

  location ~ /api/v3/requests/([0-9]+) {

     if ($request_method = GET) {

          proxy_pass http://internalserver;  


           if ($request_method = PUT) {

          proxy_pass http://internalserver;  


           if ($request_method = POST) {

          proxy_pass http://internalserver;  




#If you wish to change to HTTPS Mode change all the proxy_pass http://internalserver to https://internalserver

     location ~ /api/v3/requests/([0-9]+) {

     if ($request_method = GET) {

          proxy_pass https://internalserver;  


           if ($request_method = PUT) {

          proxy_pass https://internalserver;  


           if ($request_method = POST) {

          proxy_pass https://internalserver;  

     } }


  • Refer to the below configurations to run the nginx server in https mode.


  # HTTPS server


    server {

        listen       443 ssl;

        server_name  localhost;

       # If you place crt and key files under nginx\conf folder then we also use the path "\nginx\conf\cert.crt"

        ssl_certificate      cert.crt;

        ssl_certificate_key  cert.key;


        ssl_session_cache    shared:SSL:1m;

        ssl_session_timeout  5m;


        ssl_ciphers  HIGH:!aNULL:!MD5;

        ssl_prefer_server_ciphers  on;


        location / {



        } }

  • Start the nginx server


     Open the command prompt, under the nginx server installed directory and execute the below command.

                                Command: start nginx.exe (or) start nginx

     Use the below command to shutdown the nginx server

                                Command for fast shutdown: nginx -s stop  

        Command for graceful shutdown: nginx -s quit 


  • Refer to the below configurations to configure the ServiceDesk Plus server name/IP and port.


location /api/v3/mobile_devices  {

    # Below to configure the servicedeskplus server details

     proxy_pass; }

  • Refer to the below configurations to redirect the mobile app URLs to ServiceDesk Plus server.


location /api/v3/app_resources/authenticate {



# whitelist the api/v3/solutions (GET) by below configuration

location ~ /api/v3/solutions/([0-9]+) {

    if ($request_method = GET) {

     proxy_pass http://localhost:8080;  



# Other url's are blacklisted by using below configuration

location / {

    # block this url Or redirect to error page

   proxy_pass; }

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