IIS Site Discovery - Prerequisites and Troubleshooting | Online help - EventLog Analyzer

What are the prerequisites for IIS Site Discovery and how to troubleshoot it?


  1. Administrator access for the remote IIS Server i.e., the credentials to access IIS Log files and the configuration file location are listed below:
    1. IIS configuration file location: C:\Windows\System32\inetsrv\config\
    2. IIS log files location: C:\inetpub\logs\LogFiles\
  2. SMB v2 should be enabled on EventLog Analyzer and the target machine to perform the IIS Site discovery.
  3. Remote registry service should be running.


  1. Please click on the "Update IIS Server" icon and enter the credentials.
  2. Click on "Verify Credentials" and let us know the status. (Hint: Try importing the log file in the "Import Log Data" tab using the same credential to check if you have access to import)
  3. SMB not enabled/port 445 is blocked. SMBv2 support is available on builds 12030 and above for EventLog Analyzer.
  4. Enable Remote registry service, if it is not running.
  5. Check if the host name resolves, otherwise try pinging the host name from the EventLog Analyzer server to ensure IP Lookup.

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