I'm getting the error message "The server is currently starting up..." What should I do?

I'm getting the error message "The server is currently starting up..." What should I do?

Question: I'm getting the message "The server is currently starting up. This page will reload itself in 30 seconds, or you can click here to reload it now to display the login page. If this problem persists, please refer the troubleshooting section".

Reason: For the Applications manager to run, Apache and an another main process should start. Only Apache used by Applications Manager has started, in this case


Linux System: Use shutdownApplicationsManager.sh with -force option found under Applications Manager home (Execute command : "sh shutdownApplicationsManager.sh -force" ) and use startApplicationsManager.sh. 

Windows System : Use shutdownApplicationsManager.bat with -force option found under Applications Manager home. If Applications Manager is installed as service, stop the Apache server in the services list (ApacheApplicationsManager) and usestartApplicationsManager.bat. If none of the above options are working send Support Information File to appmanager-support@manageengine.com

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