I'm trying to monitor a Websphere Application Server but am unable to add a Websphere monitor.

I'm trying to monitor a Websphere Application Server but am unable to add a Websphere monitor.

  • Make sure that a Websphere Admin User is added to the monitor group of the perfservletApp, if global security is enabled in Websphere.
    • To do so, go to Websphere Admin console → Applications → Installed Applications → Choose perfservletapp → Security role to user group mapping → Choose Monitor Role → Associate the admin user → Save directly to the master configuration.
  • Check if you have deployed perfservlet in the right server. Try to access one of the following URLs and send us the output along with the support information file:
For Base Deployment :
Replace WebSphere Host -> Host in which WebSphere Application Server is running
             WebSphere Port -> HTTP Transport port of the WebSphere Application server
             SOAP Port -> SOAP Port of WebSphere

For Network Deployment :

http://<WebSphereHost>:<Websphere Port>/wasPerfTool/servlet/perfservlet?connector=SOAP&port=<NetworkDeployerSOAP-PORT>&HOST=<NetworkDeployerHost>

Replace WebSphere Host -> The host of the websphere application server in which the perf servlet application is installed.

             Websphere Port -> HTTP Transport port of the Websphere server in which the perf servlet application is installed.

             NetworkDeployer SOAP PORT -> The SOAP port of the domain manager (DMGR).

             Network Deployer Host -> The host in which the domain manager is running.
Detailed information can be found at Prerequisites for monitoring WebSphere Application Server Help.
  • Check if you are using a proxy server to connect to Websphere.
  • If no proxy server is used, try the following option - Instead of trying to reuse an existing port (this may create conflict), you can define new ports and transport chains:
    • In WebSphere Admin Console, navigate to Application Servers -> Server Name -> Web Container Settings -> Web Container Transport Chains.
    • This view will display current transport chains. Click the New button
    • In the resulting wizard:
      • Step 1 - Give a new name to this chain, and from the template Drop Down box select Webcontainer (Chain 1) and click on Next
      • Step 2 - Give a new port name, host and port values to identify it,  Click on Next.
      • Step 3 - Click Finish.
    • Repeat the above steps for each server in Cluster 
    • Save Configuration Changes. 
    • Navigate to Environment -> Virtual Hosts, Click on New button
    • In the Wizard, give a new name and click on OK button.
    • In the resulting window, click on the new Virtual Host created and click on Host Aliases for that Virtual Host.
    • Add the Virtual Host by making sure to reflect the Host and Port numbers (like 9030, 9032 etc) which have been already been created in the previous steps for Web Container Transport chains.
    • Save the Configuration Changes.
    • Navigate to Applications -> Enterprise Applications -> perfServletApp --> Map virtual hosts for Web modules.
    • Select the newly created Virtual Host from the Drop Down.
    • Save the Configuration Changes, and restart all Servers.
    • The perfservlet is now accessible though ports 9030 and 9032 against the hosts configured.

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