Monitoring of Tomcat Server depends on its deployment. This section explains the possible deployment scenarios of Tomcat. Your configuration of host name and the port depends on these scenarios. Also, for Tomcat Server versions 3.x and 4.x, you have to deploy an agent for monitoring.
1. Standalone Tomcat Server
This is a general scenario wherein you have a Tomcat server that has the HTTP (apache) within its deployment. In this case, specify the host name of the Tomcat server and the HTTP port when configuring a tomcat monitor.
2. One Tomcat Server (with HTTP) and one external instance of Apache
There is one Tomcat server with HTTP (Apache) instance running in it and another external Apache running outside.
Example: Tomcat server name: Tomcat A; HTTP (in Tomcat server) port: 8080; External Apache server port: 80
In this case, while configuring a Tomcat monitor, specify the host name as 'Tomcat A' and specify the HTTP port that runs with the Tomcat and not the external Apache, i.e., specify the port as 8080 and not 80.
3. One Tomcat Server (without HTTP) and one external instance of Apache
There is one Tomcat server without HTTP in it and another external Apache running.
Example: Tomcat server name: Tomcat A; HTTP (in Tomcat server) port: Not available; External Apache server port: 80
In this case, while configuring a Tomcat monitor, specify the host name as 'Tomcat A' and specify the port of the external Apache, i.e., 80.
4. Multiple Tomcat Servers (with HTTP instances in each of these servers) and one external instance of Apache
There are multiple Tomcat servers, say 3, with HTTP instances in each of them and another external Apache running.
Example: Tomcat Server names: Tomcat A, Tomcat B, Tomcat C; HTTP (in Tomcat servers) port: 8070, 8080, 8090 respectively; External Apache server port: 80
In this case, you need to create tomcat server monitors individually for Tomcat A, Tomcat B, and Tomcat C and specify their ports as 8070, 8080, and 8090 respectively.
5. Multiple Tomcat Servers (without HTTP instances in these servers) and one external instance of Apache
There are multiple Tomcat servers, say 3, without HTTP instances in them and another external Apache running.
Example: Tomcat Server names: Tomcat A, Tomcat B, Tomcat C; HTTP (in Tomcat servers) port: Not available; External Apache server port: 80
You can monitor only one of the instances in this case.